Hey, ladies! I pray this message finds you well, safe and healthy. It’s long, but necessary. I pray you will be blessed and encouraged by it.
What a difference a week can make. We have been confronted with so much in the wake of the death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Dion Johnson, and too many more. The world is so heavy right now. People are tired. Humanity is hurting and deeply pained by the heinous acts of social injustice that we see repeated over and over again. The outrage runs deep, and many are in need of healing. 2020 has been quite the year. We were first faced with a war against the coronavirus, which we are still battling. The fight now continues against the divisiveness in our nation. Between people who should view one another as brothers and sisters (John 15:12). It is heart-wrenching to witness. As we navigate through these tumultuous times, I want to remind you of a few things to keep you encouraged and give some practical tools (I’m practicing them, as well) as we continue to push through:
Remember: God is still God! No matter what is going on in this world, God is still God. He IS. He reigns over all things. I heard the following lyrics in the song, Waymaker, over the weekend that brought me some peace: “Even when I don’t see it, you’re workin’. Even when I don’t feel it, You’re workin. You never stop, you never stop working’” Hallelujah! God is still working, even through the chaos and He will be magnified. Don’t for one second, take your eyes, hope, trust, and faith off Him! He is with you, He is with your family, He is in the midst. Please, continue to Pray! Pray for humanity. Pray for our nation. Pray for changed hearts. Just keep praying.
Ephesians 6:12 professes that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unsees world. Although what we are witnessing is visible in the natural, it’s a spiritual battle. Therefore, I employ you to put on the full Armor of God so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil (Eph 6:11-17).
Be the light of the world, and do not dim your light. Light and darkness cannot consume the same space, so go and let your light shine before evildoers. Furthermore, now is not the time to cower down - stand firm in your beliefs, exude the Fruit of the spirit, use your voice, speak knowledge to someone who is unaware, give sisterly love, show empathy, and inclusion. God’s Word says that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
I encourage you to use wisdom and safety while navigating through these emotions. You have a right to be angry, shoot, even Jesus showed anger, but you mustn’t remain in the space. Anger has the potential to escalate and can be detrimental to your health and your healing process. Romans 12: 19, 21 instructs us not to repay evil for evil. That vengeance the Lords, and He will repay. And that we are to overcome evil with good.
Check your heart. And try help/encourage others to check theirs as well. Our heart posture can be challenged and tried during these times. But, we must remain rooted in love and not hate. We are commanded to love our brothers and our sisters. If you find hate in your heart, I encourage you to ask God to remove it and help you to change your heart posture.
We can help others to gain knowledge and understanding:
I listened to a few Pastors yesterday, and racial reconciliation was undoubtedly a hot topic and an essential one. I recently took a counseling class regarding Multicultural Crisis. One of the book assignments was titled Letters Across the Divide. Where two friends, David (a black minister) and Brent (a white businessman), discussed their racial worldviews, specifically between white and black people, as they aimed to get to a place of racial reconciliation. Brent lacked empathy for black males – which stemmed from a lack of knowledge and understanding of the oppression and struggles black men have faced for hundreds of years. Additionally, he was oblivious to his privileges and entitlements as a white man compared to the hardships of black men. Throughout the book, two profound things stood out to me:
1) An example was used regarding the process of racial reconciliation. It was similar to leading a person to Christ and then discipling (walking alongside) them so that they continue to gain Godly wisdom and grow. David discussed his drive and desire to evangelize racial reconciliation through relationships. However, discipleship is an equally important component which completes the process of racial reconciliation in the newly evangelized convert. This means the new convert may need someone to walk alongside them, give them wisdom and knowledge, and hold them accountable. Racial reconciliation doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a process.
2) When asked in the past, if he saw color, Brent would boldly reply, “no.” But after engaging with David and receiving knowledge, insight, and perspective, his paradigm began to shift. His answer changed to yes because he understood that we do not live in a color-blind world, and some are disadvantaged merely based on their outward appearance, socioeconomic status, and other factors. Many express they do not see color not to be viewed as racist; however, seeing color and seeking knowledge is where inclusion and equality begins.
I know this was a lot, but it was on my heart to share. You might be discouraged, feeling hopeless, and wondering what you can do to help. We all want to see change. We might not be able to have a direct impact on what’s going on in other parts of the country. However, we can influence those we are connected to - our community, neighbors, children, grandchildren, coworkers, etc. Let’s start there. Let’s be the light. Have the conversation. Spread knowledge. And most importantly, let's love others.
I pray you find healing and comfort through these times. Stay strong, sister. We will get through this.
Have a blessed week....on Purpose. Love you!
