I was directed to the book of Jeremiah during some quiet time a few days ago. Now, I have heard these verses time and time again. Still, it was something about me reading them at the beginning of the New Year that resonated differently with me. Probably because, like some of you, I have set my goals for the year, and I experience moments where I feel a little nervous and/or ill-equipped to walk them out.
As I mentioned in a previous blog, I recently underwent surgery. Since having the surgery, I have been in more pain than I was before. The reason being, I had an IUD (Intrauterine Device) in place since 2017 to help control the pain and discomfort. The IUD was removed during the surgery, and I have gone through the wringer trying to obtain a new one. It has literally been a revolving circle from one pharmacy to the next and a complete headache. I’ve had my cycle twice since, and my cramps were excruciating, but I dare not question God on the delay. You might ask my point in sharing those details…You see, the devil tends to plays trick on my mind when I am experiencing a pain flare-up, it seems that is when he thinks I’m most vulnerable, and then tries to slither in and attack. Those times when I'm impacted by the mental weight from having to take that unforeseen day off of work, or when bedridden, or when I just don’t have enough push in me. And with that comes feelings of doubt and questioning my ability to complete what God has given me. I’m otherwise motivated, checking things off the list, and making moves. Then, just like that, a circumstance and my feelings can lead me to a momentary second-guess. But God! I'm so glad that His word promises joy in the morning (Psalm 30:5), and those moments are just temporary.
How many times have you second-guessed your ability to answer the call? It could stem from the fear of moving forward toward your destiny or the fear of operating in the unknown - better known as faith. Or stagnation as a result of the physical and/or emotional pain you've had to endure. It might have derived from a negative comment by a friend/family member that left you feeling incompetent. But if Joseph’s (a visionary, a dreamer interpreter) brothers didn’t take well to his God-given vision, then sis, we can’t expect our fam to always take well to ours either. My point is, there will always be something that can spark doubt, but we mustn't let doubt have the victory. Because God pre-qualified us to complete all that He has created us to do. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).
In Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord told Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
This scripture comes as a reassurance that God knew me before I was formed and born. He knew that I would have endometriosis, He knew that I would be 3 surgeries in, and He knew that I would have other chronic pain disorders; YET, He still saw fit to use me, scars and all. And He will do the same for you.
Jeremiah still had doubt and limited himself by professing that he is only a youth. But the Lord responded in Jeremiah 1:7 by saying: “Do not say, ‘I am a youth’ for you shall go to all whom I send you. And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you.”
There have been many times where I felt like I wasn't equipped (even on here at times) to do what the Lord has assigned to me. I made up every excuse why I couldn’t, I shouldn’t, or blatantly tried to ignore the call. The problem was, that emotion was rooted in my thoughts of having to do it in my own strength. But, just as the Lord promised Jeremiah, He will also be my present help, even when I feel like I’m not fit for the assignment.
God can do what we cannot!
Lastly, the Lord touched Jeremiah’s mouth and said in 1:9-10: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms. To root out and to pull down. To destroy and to throw down. To build and to plant.”
This is a great place to praise the Lord! Thank you, Father, for giving me the words to say when I can’t seem to find them myself. Furthermore, thank you for giving me this confirmation and confidence that You have indeed appointed me to do mighty work in Your kingdom.
So, just like Jeremiah, we may face moments where we feel like we CAN’T, but God’s Word and promises are there to reassure us that we CAN! If we remain connected to Him, He will give us instructions each step of the way. He says to Jeremiah in 1:17a. “Therefore, prepare yourself and arise, and speak to them all that I command you." Ladies, let’s not get overwhelmed and discouraged by {the thoughts of} our inabilities, instead, let’s be encouraged by what our Father can and will do in and through us! We've got work to do. Let’s get prepared and Arise!
I’m praying for you. Love you lots!
