I said, “no,” and it felt so good! One could perceive this season as the perfect time to squeeze things in and get it all done – that just wasn’t my story. My spring class literally started the day my agency began teleworking indefinitely. While I thought my studies would go as usual, if not better, considering the limited commitments, such as chauffeuring my teen and my commute to and from work. That was not the case. It was only the second week in when I noticed I was struuug-ahh-ling! I think it had a lot to do with adjusting to the new norm with COVID 19. I even contemplated dropping my class, but I continued through. Here I am, just finished week 7 of 8, and approaching home base with a B (Inserts Praise Hands). If I could just be transparent, another reason I wanted to drop is I didn’t get an acceptable grade - according to my standards - on an assignment. I am generally an A student, but God has been working on me in the area of perfectionism, especially when it comes to my grades. My best is good enough! Thank You, Father, for helping me to see me that a “B” is just as good. Shoot, honestly, I just desire to pass at this point. Perfection is not something God expects of us - it is our imperfections that lead us to depend on Him. We are made perfect in Him.
“I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. Phil 3:12”
As the summer semester is approaching, the thought of sitting out dropped in my spirit. I prayed about it and received confirmation the very next day. Listen, ya girl canceled her registration with the quickness. I called the school and said, “NO, not next semester, I just can't." And ladies, it felt and feels sooo good.
I realized how easy we can miss God in the going and going. I still had my devotion and quiet time with God during this quarantine, but I wanted more. God is stretching me and taking me to another level in Ministry, and it is vital that I make space to sit at his feet and commune with Him for instruction. Like the story of Martha and Mary in the Bible, in Luke 10:39, I want to be seated at the feet of Jesus, and not too busy like Martha.
In this story, Martha was busy tending to cooking, cleaning, and making sure things were perfect to her standards, while Mary spent time with Jesus. Although Martha was being hospitable, which is good, she was busy and occupied while Jesus was right there in her presence. Martha actually complained and asked Jesus to command Mary to help her, but Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10: 41-42).
Us women can naturally take on so much with our inherent juggling spirit. Are there things you feel you should release in this season?
If you are struggling with letting go or saying “no”, I just want to encourage you that it is ok, love. Breaks are ok. Amazing things can manifest in the resting. We are not validated by what we can accomplish or how well we accomplish it, our validation is rooted in who we are as God’s creation. Take a breather, and as my BFF always tells me “Be gentle with yourself” 😊
I just received this as I was closing: Busyness can hinder us from being fully present for our friends/family, which is probably needed more than ever at this time.
Be Blessed, Ladies! Love you!