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We are Launching! 🎉

We are officially launching…yay! We hope that you'll join us. We'll have a guest speaker who will discuss self/soul care and another who will lead us through a guided prayer! This event will stream live to FB, YouTube, and our website. Detailed event info and graphics will soon follow.

Some of you might be wondering, "why now," especially as the blog's inception was back in 2018.

Here's why:

  • The Lord said it's time

  • We repurposed from a blog to a nonprofit mid 2020

  • To Glorify God!

All of which deserve a celebration! I could not see what the Lord was doing in 2018 when I was led to start the blog, nor did I think He could/would use me. In my finite thinking, all I could see was doubt, the inadequacies, and the many reasons I thought He shouldn't. But, He would not let me walk away from the calling.

What's crazy is I vividly remember praying and asking God to show me my purpose. I felt purposeless. I could see people around me thriving and operating in their gifts, yet I felt overlooked. I was still battling with the scars of rejection, roots from an unhealthy relationship, and coping with my disabilities which only added to feeling overlooked and unworthy. But I still remember asking God to show me, me. And He did. No matter how unqualified I felt through the process (a process indeed), God continues showing me how He qualifies the unqualified (1 Cor 1:27-28).

Christine Caine said, “God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called

God knows EVERYTHING about us, y'all. EVER-Y-THING. Every scar, every root, every past decision, every broken piece. He doesn't want our perfection. He wants our yes - our hearts.

If the Lord has given you something, luv. Go forth in it. Don't let your thoughts tell you otherwise. Trust, I know that's a daily battle; I get it. But the purpose is always greater. And no matter your physical or emotional pain path, your life still has purpose! Only God can see what lies ahead. Furthermore, He has already set the course for you!

I revisited my favorite scripture (Proverbs 3:5-6) last Thursday for some encouragement, and I journaled from the question, "But, do you trust Me" says the Lord. That spiritual exercise was very refreshing. I encourage you to try that spiritual exercise too!

There is so much weighing on us individually, and as a nation. Many are hurting, saddened and burdened in this hour. It's emotionally heavy and draining for sure. Know that I love and I'm praying for you all!

If you have a prayer request or would like to share a testimony. Click Here.

Be Encouraged 💞

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