Hey, Ladies! We are halfway through December. Can you believe it? How y’all doing? I hope you are doing well, looking good, feeling great, and blessed.
As I’m sitting here typing this, I am looking at my Christmas tree with much joy. My Christmas tree warms my heart and makes me so happy. Although it feels very different this year, Christmas is indeed my favorite season. I haven’t always felt that way about Christmas, though. There was a time when I dreaded the Christmas season - BIG TIME. Primarily because I wasn’t in a happy place. I cherished seeing my daughter happy and was grateful for provisions to place things under the tree. But I honestly couldn’t wait for January 2nd to come, when I felt things went back to normal and the world was officially out of the holiday spirit. I was actually stressed and depressed through several holidays. If I could be transparent, for me, the Christmas season dreadfully shined a light on my brokenness, things that I deeply desired, and other things that I was struggling with. I am so grateful today to be in a place of contentment. I thank God for healing, restoration and the ability to enjoy Christmas and the many pleasures of life.
Ladies, this year has been insane, and it was laid on my spirit to reach out with this message. We have been forced into the uncomfortable. We have lost loved ones, faced with economic constraints, isolated from friends/family and life as we once knew it, and so on. Many have faced divorce, while some are on the brink of separation. Others have been stricken by emotional trauma and/or domestic abuse. The list continues, all of which have the potential to strip one of the delights of Christmas.
If you are emotionally struggling this Christmas, I get it; I have been there. You are not alone. Your feelings are valid, and I’m praying for your healing, your help, a change, and for your restored joy. Even if things seem awful right now, keep going. Believing that your circumstances can and will turn around. You might not know when and probably can’t see it now, but trust that it will. That’s where faith comes in – believing and trusting, even in the unseen (Hebrews 11:1).
During a few counseling sessions last week, I noticed a common factor – the weight of the need to be strong - and I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt this way before too. The Holy Spirit immediately spoke with the reminder that we don’t have to be strong in our own strength. 2 Corinthians 12:9 affirms that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness.
Lean into God in your weakness. You don’t have to fight battles alone.
This Christmas may seem a little bleak, strange, and unusual for various reasons. Still, I encourage you to hold on to the once fond memories of Christmas/traditions and know that it won’t always be like this.
Jesus is the reason for the season, and He came so we can have life and life more abundantly!
I can honestly say that I started feeling the overwhelming bliss of Christmas when I began to release control and the 'things' that were burdening my soul and let God in and have His way.
I want to share a couple of practical action steps with you for guidance and encouragement, and I hope they'll be a blessing to you:
Protect your mind/thoughts:
Change your thought patterns. It may take time, but intentionally redirecting each negative thought and replacing it with God’s truth (click here for affirmations) can help create a healthy rhythm towards continuous change.
Guard your heart & mind against negativity. Check your thinking daily, focusing on God so He can change your perspective.
Share your burdens with others:
Talk to someone if you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed. You don’t have to figure it out on your own.
Don’t feel too ashamed or prideful to ask for physical help or lean into someone you trust for their ear. The support can bring relief.
Delight in God:
Seek God for joy and happiness and delight in Him and His Word over the things of the world.
Count your blessings. Focus on what you do have, with gratitude. God is a God of faithfulness, provisions, and blessings and is worthy to be praised.
I love you, friend, and I pray that you have a blessed Christmas! If there is anything on your heart and you need someone to talk to. Please feel free to reach out to me here.
