Have you ever been last? Whether you remember being picked last for a sports team, for a group assignment, or a promotion at work. We all want to feel chosen, but sometimes we find ourselves left out, lonely, and set aside.
If you’ve ever experienced not feeling chosen, I imagine that it came with many new insecurities. You begin to think of all the ways that you may not have measured up. If all you’ve known in life is rejection, know that the greatest honor has been bestowed on you, dear friend.
Better than a significant other, a company, or a team choosing you, God Himself has chosen you. He chose you. He chooses you daily. He doesn’t wait for you to slip up to abandon you, but He chooses you even through your weakest of times. He is faithful in keeping His Word, and His promise is to keep you. I want to share a few of the realities of what it means to be chosen by God.
He chose you before you chose Him (John 15:16)
He chose you to be His image-bearer in this world (Song of Solomon 2:23)
He chose you to be a part of His glorious plan for this world (Ephesians 1:11)
He chose you to serve a purpose exactly where He has placed you (Matthew 28:18-20)
He chose you not based on your performance but by His grace through your faith (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Friend, you are chosen by the One who does the only choosing that matters. Let this truth guide you into a life that is free from the pressures of being chosen by this world. When the enemy comes to accuse you, you can stand firm knowing God chose you, not him. He chose you. So, choose Him, daily.
”For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.” - Deuteronomy 7:6
A Prayer for you: Abba, it absolutely blows me away that I get to be a part of Your work on this earth. Thank You for choosing me, when I least deserve it. Thank You for loving me while I was a sinner and continuing to show me Your grace daily. Help me to choose You, Lord, that I might live in Your presence all my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Be blessed and be encouraged! 💞